Get the Clowns out of Number 10!

Another brick in the Conservative blue wall fell to the Liberal Democrats in July, with the previously safe 19,000 Tory majority being swept away into a 11,000 Liberal one.
Four historic by-election results in two years shows clearly that the Liberal Democrats are a force to be reckoned with. We are going from strength to strength, as voters across the country are backing hard working Liberal Democrat candidates who fight hard for their area.
At the next general election people in Norfolk will have the chance to throw out an under-performing Conservative government, but before that we will have local elections for the Norwich City Council, where Labour have a big majority and the Tories have no seats at all.
As in Somerton & Frome, the best way to fight for a better deal for your area is to vote Lib Dem. Spokesperson for the University Ward, James Hawketts said:
Our councillors in Eaton are fantastic community champions who hold Labour to account and deserve to be re-elected. Here in University we came second last time, and together we can throw out complacent Labour councillors who have won every year for 15 years and clearly don’t think they have to try any more.
All accross Norwich, in all wards, true democracy needs genuine accountability and strong opposition.