Sean Bennett is the Lib Dem Candidate for Norwich South

A Genuinely Local Candidate
Sean is a local writer and communications specialist who has lived in Norwich for almost a decade. Based in Bowthorpe since coming to Norwich to attend the UEA, he has been a proud and active member of our fine city’s community from the very start. He is thrilled to be standing to represent the people of South Norwich as their MP and looks forward to speaking to many of them over the course of the campaign.

Dedicated to Listening and Engaging with Local People
Sean pictured discussing local issues in Norwich with Lib Dem University Ward campaigner James Hawketts.

Demanding a Fair Deal for Our NHS
Sean is worried about Norfolk's status as a dental desert. No dentists are known to be accepting new NHS patients in Norfolk. Local pharmacies and medical services are becoming unreliable and increasingly hard to come by. Read more about our plan for the NHS here.

Stop the Conservative Sewage-Dumping Scandal
Wholesale dumping of sewage into our rivers is killing our wildlife, harming our pets, and hurting our children. This has been allowed to happen by Conservatives in government and in parliament. Lib Dems are demanding a fairer deal for our environment, including:
• Transform water companies into public benefit companies.
• Ban bonuses for water bosses until discharges and leaks end.
• Replace Ofwat with a tough new regulator with new powers to prevent sewage dumps.
• Provide more funding to the Environment Agency and Natural England.
• Double the size of the UK protected nature sites.

Putting Norwich First
Sean is plugged-in to the issues Norwich faces, and supports local Lib Dem efforts in this regard. We've been fighting locally to get empty council houses filled, a tourist information centre re-established, and improvements made to our green spaces.

Protecting & Improving our Local Services
Lib Dems care about protecting local services for local people. Where there is opportunity to, we want to see them expanded to meet demand. Recently, Lib Dems have been fighting to get a night-time bus service re-instated to keep young people safe and off the streets at night.
Published and promoted by D.Britcher on behalf of S.Bennett, all at Erlend Watson House, 2a Douro Place, NR2 4BG.