Norwich Council admits it doesn’t know if it even reads letters you send it
A public question from a Lib Dem campaigner unveiled Labour's shocking record on constituent contact in Norwich.
A public question from a Lib Dem campaigner unveiled Labour's shocking record on constituent contact in Norwich.
Has your area been affected by the recent gas works across Norwich?
As reported on BBC Radio Norfolk in mid-May, the car parking charges at Eaton Park are still facing logistical difficulties even despite having been implemented months ago.
The 2023 elections saw more and more people putting their trust in the Norwich Liberal Democrats to stand up to indifference from Labour at city hall.
Lib Dem success at the County Council has brought the awful state of Norfolk’s rivers to the forefront after Labour ignored our warnings.
Do you know who your local councillors are? You’d be forgiven for not. It seems they’ve entirely given up on trying to be a local voice whatsoever.